The set
The pack consists of numbered 100 Healing Cards in a 10x10 cm box plus a simple explanatory booklet that details one way they can be used as well as containing the text of the Source channelled by the author and translated into Italian,
English and German.
The app
Healing.Cards is an app that makes all 100 Cards available to you whenever you need them on your smartphone and IOS or Android tablet. Each card is different and is a reproduction of an original fresco. They are numbered 1 to 100. The App allows you to pick a random card or to choose a specific one by number.
The app
Healing.Cards is an app that makes all 100 Cards available to you whenever you need them on your smartphone and IOS or Android tablet ...
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They will help you work through times in your life
when you feel stuck.
Or at least that is they can do
in my personal opinion.
What makes them so wondrous
is that they describe your heart’s desires which can become a reality in the light of what we call love.
These cards always work for you,
never against you.
They will never pose you or
anyone else any danger.
They draw on goodness. That is unchangeable,
showing you that goodness exists.
The cards are open and exclude no one.
They will always see you as worthy, regardless of what you have thought or done.
the cards with your friends
Richard-Wagner-Str. 37
50674 Cologne Germany
Publishing Company:
Via Po 5
07026 San Pantaleo, Italy
Autore e responsabile per il contenuto del sito
Oliver Avellino,
Loc la Testa, 07028 Santa Teresa Gallura
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inprint a peaceful way
The set
The pack consists of numbered 100 Healing Cards in a 10x10 cm box plus a simple explanatory booklet ... .
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The Cards can be used as many different ways as there are people that use them. I invite everyone to try to develop their own favourite ways of using them, in fact. For an intuitive understanding of how the Healing.Cards work, I would suggest you read the text from the Source.
Energetic session
Get yourself into a comfortable position, then pick a Card and look at it for about a minute. Now set it to one side, close your eyes and just observe your own breathing without trying to change it in any way. Let the Card work on you. The sitting can last anything from a few minutes to several hours (you can, if you wish, set an alarm to keep it within a specific time). Once you feel the sitting has finished, make sure to take a little time to just relax before you stand up.
Accompaniment of the day
Pick a card at random from the pack, place it in a suitable place for the entire day or for as long as you feel necessary. Continue with your normal routine. Picking cards every day can become a kind of daily ritual that’s both intimate and exclusive, a simple act that you can embrace as a gift for your day. Towards evening, you can, for example, go over the day in your mind and tune into the quality that specific day brought to your.
Ask for local Prana
Place yourself in a comfortable position and choose a card. Having looked at it, try to open your mind to listening. You can place the card on whatever area of your body you wish and let it act for as long as you feel necessary. Or you can simply hold the card in your hand or put it beside you, and focus your attention on the part of your body that your intuition suggests.
Story of the cards
"The cards are the product of a lengthy creative process. Through careful listening and adopting a state of complete trust as well as an awareness of my ability to act as a ‘channel’ at that time, I faithfully followed the instructions given to me on how they should be created. During the channelling process, I tried to reproduce as much as possible of what I was channelling and as little as possible of myself. It was not always easy to channel the powerful creative energy, however. Anyone that works with the cards will soon realise the variety of processes that accompany their use. After I had made the 100th card, a woman’s voice recounted a text in German which I have called the Source. The Tablets were to be dissolved in the sea after they had been digitised and so, one by one, they were let go”.
( Oliver Avellino author of the healing cards )